Monday, July 23, 2018


We have arrived. Aya Yorgi is lying before my eyes like a provocative but submissive bride. Sun rays having softened, hitting Aya Yorgi’s surface at a very acute angle from above the hills the cove is nestled against, her color is emerald not the turquoise of the mid-day. You would almost wonder if she has gotten polluted, sure enough The Water is as crystal clear as it always has been. My heart is singing with the beauty surrounding me, that of the guests of the wedding on one hand but more so with that of The Water, my Aegean.

Aya Yorgi, with all its serenity will soon witness the joy and laughter spilling out onto her bosom from our Gulce's wedding 

We are led to the facility, which used to be a salas (rustic) country café 20-30 years ago. In the old days, the café had some 30-40 plain wooden tables and chairs for four. When you came to Aya Yorgi on any day, you would rent one of these tables as your “campsite” for the day. You would swim all you wanted in the small enough and large enough cove according to your taste of swimming.

Aya Yorgi, 13 years ago, much more serene than what it is now, imagine what it was like in 1980s..
When you needed to come to land, you had your table to return to a few yards from the water. Drink and eat all you wanted, you did, but The Water was there waiting for you all day long into the dark of the night when you headed back to Izmir and to the week calling your name, having been energized with all Aya Yorgi had to offer… A glimpse of my beautiful Ekin on fire wakes me up from this nostalgia… She is always a fireball, but in her asymmetric bright orange dress, she is ablaze… We hug and she lands a loving kiss on my lips! Such passion for life and love, how can I, or anyone for that matter not love her to pieces? How lucky David is, I hope he appreciates this invaluable piece of jewel with his loving kindness holding her in his loving presence. I suspect, he does; the two days I will spend with him will help me get to know him better at this second encounter since their relationship started. He is a piece of jewel as well, for sure.

Ekin the awesome, lips pursed her colors inside and out sparkling... 

Then my eye catches Umut and his fiancée Franzie walking in with Aysegul and Yildiray, Umut’s parents. Umut, the big brother of our collective four children. How he has always overseen all our children: When Zeynep was doing her study-abroad year in Istanbul, Umut was also attending Istanbul Technical University. I know well from Zeynep’s sharing that Umut had protected Zeynep from couple of unfortunate mishaps, and who knows how else he had supported her during her stay in Istanbul that I don’t know about. I know from social media posts that any two, or three or more of our kids end up in Istanbul for whatever reason, the first person or people they look for happens to be the other Coluk Combalak youth members. Over good food and good conversation accompanied with raki, boy do they drink raki just like water, they have remained connected with an ever-growing bond amongst this small clan of five kids! What a gift, to have found sisterhood and brotherhood among five siblings with ten parents!!!  Talk about resource-rich kinship…
Umut and Zeynep, the older brother and sister of our five-kids family

As soon as our eyes connect, we rush to each other. Meditative hugs abound… Franzie has as big a smile as all of us. Although, this is the first time I am meeting her, I heard so much about her, and she must have heard a word or two about me at least when my daughter Zeynep visited Umut and Franzie in Mexico just a few months ago, that we hug each other as warmly as if she had been in our big family for years. She will connect with us all with such warmth and submission through the night, there will come a time I will go to Umut and joke with him “Umut, are you sure this girl is a German, it looks like you found her in the countryside of the Black Sea…”, which is where Umut’s family is from through and through. We crack up, lovingly, affectionately…

David, Ekin, MIke, Zeynep, Franzie, and Umut, our partnered kids except for the bride and the groom... 

The Coluk Combalak gravitates around a table on the terrace built right on top of The Water! Suzan and Levent are missing, being the “owners” of the wedding, they are greeting all their guests. I look around, Levent’s siblings and their spouses, Suzan’s siblings and their spouses and kids and extensions are all around. These young people were all my patients in my private practice in Alsancak until 2 decades ago… Such a reunion, hugs and kisses, caring, loving words of reconnection… I am as happy and content as one can be.
Our clan except for Gulce, her husband and her parents

I want to document in my own way this celebration, although I know that professional photographers will do a superb job. I want to catch spontaneous moments revealing the true selves of everybody, especially Gulce and Oguz and Coluk Combalak. I check in with the Coluk Combalak occasionally. During one such instant, we catch Levent, walking Gulce, his daughter in his arm from the far end of the board walk toward the crown, parallel to the Water. This facility indeed is a phenomenal place to hold a wedding. My entire being is filled with joy and love for the first of our five kids, starting a new life.

Levent, the father walking his daughter, our daughter Gulce to her husband-to-become 

Just before getting on the terrace, where the wedding crowd is anxiously waiting for the bride and the groom, Oguz walks onto the boardwalk and Gulce is transferred to his arm from her father’s. Although, in all this tradition there is the theme of women being owned by men and being transferred from one ownership to the other, the love and joy and caring written all over the faces of everybody involved in this process override all psychosocial dictates of patriarchal society. All I can see is how much love and effort were put into raising Gulce by her father and mother and with how much love and caring Oguz takes her hand…

Oguz taking Gulce's hand with "permission" from her father...

As Oguz now guides them both toward the stage where the ceremony will take place, the best men and Gulce’s maids follow them. Ekin is one of Gulce’s maids. The wedding ceremony takes place on a very small stage set up at the west end of the terrace right above the water. It is an unforgettable scene against a sky turning into light orange spiced up by the setting sun. The beauty and energy of youth make up the skyline against the beautiful sky.

What a beautiful memorialization of a happy, dedicated life beginning for this pure young couple 

After the ceremony, Gulce and Oguz are expected to visit every group of guests at their table to thank them for their attendance. I am traveling around them to take pictures. I bet this would be a bit of a chore for the young bride and the groom, since it is not just shaking hands. Everybody wants to give them hugs and kisses. They obediently and lovingly hug everybody and pose for everybody for the memorialization of the moment.
Gulce posing to somebody else with her aunts and mother, who cares, I document the moment, too

In Turkish weddings traditionally, people give the bride jewelry from golden bracelets to necklaces, to earrings and nowadays other jewelry with precious stones. In the most conservative traditional sense, a section of the wedding is dedicated to people getting in line and giving the jewelry to the bride herself, in fact by pinning the jewelry onto her wedding gown. Families would then assign a trusted individual, who would bring a purse to collect all this jewelry to return to the bride and the groom right after the wedding. Apparently, tradition has changed and wedding organizers assign a box to this purpose and all such gifts are collected.

The most touching hug must be this one: Gulce in her mother Suzan's arms... 

Hence after Gulce and Oguz visit each table on the terrace, we are ushered into the restaurant section of the facility where we will have dinner and dance and music will boil the blood in young veins. Our table is reserved for Coluk Combalak and all our extensions. Tables are very elegantly laid out. Instead of the traditional candied almond wraps distributed to every attendant, they chose to make donation to …. Announced to every guest with a bookmark left by the plates on the tables. How thoughtful and wise… Then starts the music and Gulce and Oguz open the dance floor with a beautiful tango. We are all appreciating this beautiful audiovisual feast, some of us with tremendous affection, too. Every time I look at Aysegul’s face, it is full of deep love and connection no different than Suzan’s face. After their beautiful show, others start joining in first with slow dance. As raki consumption increases, so does the tone and pace of the music inviting all to move from tables to the dance floor.
Zeynep airborne in Ekin's arms when David and Baris look on...

And that’s what we do. Levent is one big dancer, he dances with every single woman, it seems like at this wedding. When it is my “turn”, I feel like any moment, I will be airborne. What a pleasure to become adolescents again at our child’s wedding…Franzie becomes one of us in no time. Whoever leaves the dance and sits down, she spots and pulls back to the dance floor, typical Turkish ownership of a dance floor. In just a few hours, this woman with her big smile, even bigger heart carves a warm spot in my heart for herself. I am so happy to see that our kids are finding wonderful human beings as partners… Hours go by and as some of the guests, who will be traveling an hour to go back to Izmir start leaving, Gulce disappears for a moment and returns with a shorter version of her wedding gown!
Coluk Combalak table, and whoever caught this, did so when nobody was posing!
That is new and very smart. In traditional sense, the poor bride would wear her long and heavy bridal dress until the end of the wedding. It looks like, Gulce will have a fancy white dress that is much lighter than the actual bridal gown to go on with their dancing into early hours of the morning. 
Around midnight, we “elderly” leave the young people to the second phase of the wedding and load into our van to go back to the hotel.
Entire Coluk Combalak with its extensions! Thanks for bringing us together Gulce and Oguz
It was one beautiful evening of fraternity, reunion, celebration of the first wedding of our chosen family, which not only brought all members of Coluk Combalak together for the first time since we started meeting regularly five years ago, but also brought together our children’s partners as well. We all celebrate this gift mostly silently, I suspect. I am exhausted from all the dancing, but my heart and mind, and body are all in union in this blissful calm and peace.

Gulce'm, may you climb up the steps of life with ease and peace to have joy and love throughout life with Oguz 

As we ride the van to the hotel, I recite silently my loving kindness meditation mantra “May we all be well and happy. May we all be at ease and peace. May we all be held with loving kindness in loving presence. May we all find love and joy in life.” May Gulce and Oguz find all this serene richness in each other… The nexgt morning, I will wake up for another and last swim in the Aegean before gathering around a now-more crowded breakfast table since Levent’s sister Gunes and oldest brother Ibrahim and his family will also join us. They have all become my friends over the 4-5 decades we spent together on this earth. We all have signs of “livedness” and we all have lived. We had ups and downs in life, we had difficult terrains that we had to conquer, we had losses that left the creases between our brows… But we also had lots of love, lots of laughter, friendship, and joy that left other creases around our lips… If not dyed, our hear is gray to white. Nevertheless, and perhaps because of all this livedness, I love them all…
Levent's brothers and sisters waiting for the van to take us to the wedding: Aya Yorgi
The next morning, when my dear friends Saniye and Mehmet volunteer to drop me off at the airport shuttle station, as I settle down in the bus, I am happy to the fullest, but also sad for having to leave these beautiful people, who have given me more than I ever could give to them for decades now. As tears trickle down my cheeks, I send them all my deepest gratitude and love until our paths cross again... We part our ways until the next time. And that seems to be in Croatia, where Umut and Franzie will get married in August of 2019. Can’t wait. I love you all my Coluk Combalak...
Saniye and Mehmet seeing to my departure from Cesme to catch my flight to Istanbul, my dear friends...
Raki indeed doesn't settle in the body as it does in the bottle! Our kids are having a lot of fun dancing
Ekin and Umut

Gulce and Oguz with Gulce's paternal aunt Gunes,,, 

Oguz waiting patiently for his bride to arrive: I am using this rhetoric jokingly, since this wonderful couple has been living together some time, thanks to more permissive environment of Istanbul..

Gulce airborne in Oguz's arms at the end of their beautiful opening dance, they are having fun, aren't they?

Is this couple happy or what, soon to be married... Love you, two...

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